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A Physical Approach to Wellbeing

Using a range of yoga practices I offer a physical approach to maintaining good health and balance.

I passionately believe in the power of the breath, the mind and the body to heal and restore balance.

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My approach

Through carefully planned and individually tailored gentle yoga practices my aim is to support each person attending classes - online or in person - to leave each session feeling uplifted and re-energised, physical and mentally stretched.

Everybody has a part to play in their own health and wellness.  Sometimes this needs a little outside help and that’s where my services come in. As an experienced Yoga Practitioner, I work with each person or group to help restore balance and to find optimum levels of wellbeing.
Calm breath, calm body, calm mind.

After Yoga


The essence of mind and body connected through the breath

Yoga practices can be hugely beneficial for physical and emotional ailments - through breath and posture work health can be improve and symptoms relieved

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"Yoga was perceived to have a positive impact on physical and mental health conditions and was linked to positive health behaviours"

British Medical Journal, 2020

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Contact Me

15 Loophill


Wiltshire SN15 2JH


07960 330131

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